This cheesecake I made last week for my family. Or being honest with you just for me and my husband. Definitely, my kids adore the colorful decorations that I made out of fondant. Right now I am extremely happy because they just like to look at them and they are not trying to eat them...Another positive part of cake making and decoration.
This is the cheesecake from the previous night when I made it. I took couple of pictures but I left the mint decorations for the next day. That's why you can notice some tiny difference :)
The base of this cheesecake I made out of vanilla layer. Then I spread the cheesecream filling but I separated in two halves and between them I spread this cranberries filling that I had bought from the store. The same cranberry filling I spread on the top of the cake.
Take a piece! It's delicious....and light and...delicious :)
Много вкусно изглежда, но защо няма рецепта?