Monday, July 20, 2015

Homemade muffins

Last week I made two different kind of muffins for my loved ones. 
First I'll present you my muffins in blue...Honestly, I made them for my father who celebrated on July 17th his name day.I decided this time to make some small sweet treats. The weather was very hot and humid and I hadn't any desire to make a cake  :(

I baked a dozen of chocolate muffins with chocolate chips. I made these blue frosting swirls on the top and I used the blue paper decorations. Being honest, everyone in our family adores chocolate. That's why, no doubt, the muffins disappeared very quickly :)

Now I'll present you my next kind of muffins - the ladybugs...

They are just the opposite - vanilla ones with chocolate and caramel chips and the third option with cranberries and kamut flakes. The last ones were for me :)

I tried to keep them as simple as possible. First because the weather now it's very hot and I don't want to use any butter creams, frosting and fondant decorations and second, I like very much these paper decorations...

I forgot to add my last vanilla muffins with cranberries that I baked once for breakfast. They are as simple as possible. Even the paper cups are not fancy...But they are still delicious and...homemade :) My daughter helped me a lot :)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fruit crate cake

This fruit crate cake is dedicated to my cousin and her family. The cake is made out of chocolate layers gently attached by vanilla filling with fresh blueberries. I added mini eclairs also. The crate is made out of fondant. The fruit on the top are real - blueberries, strawberries, grape and raspberries. The straw around the cake is made out of baked coconut flakes. The flowers are fresh,just for the photo session :)

My cousin is not addicted by the sweet treats. That's why I decided to make that kind of cake - with abundance of real, fresh fruit. I hope I satisfied all different tastes :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

QR code cake

Today I'll share with you my first cake based on that theme....electronic motherboards and QR codes.
The idea for this cake came from  a lady that I had met once. Last time she ordered a cake for her son's birthday. The cake was again very interesting and unique. Here you can read my post and see the cake photos.

This time the QR code cake is for her son's friend. And the idea belongs to her son. Being honest with you I was very surprised of that cake. Definitely, it's unique!!!! I hope that the boy with the birthday will be pleasantly surprised.

When you read the QR code on the top it has to be written "Happy birthday". What a nice surprise!
There is a part of a program code around the cake also.

The most difficult part was to put the motherboard on the cake. Of course, I didn't make all the details. It's an edible print. But the difficulty came from the corner of the cake. How can I lay down the image without destroying it?!?!
That's why I cut it first in two parts. The biggest one was around the cake. Then came the more creative part - to cut the image in a way to look like the board continues without any problem....And after some more cuts and depositions, the main job was done :)

It was such a fun to make this cake! It's really an unique cake!!!! 
I would like to thank the lady ordering the cake to give me the chance to make something different and interesting!

And now some photos....

I forgot completely about the cake, what is inside...Anyway, it's not just a picture, it has to be eaten and I really hope that I'll satisfy the birthday boy's taste. It's a chocolate cake with fluffy homemade chocolate cream, very light, without any butter.

Happy birthday! Be happy!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Summer muffins

Where is the summer this year? We have been waiting for it so long and we are still waiting....How long? Where the real summer is hiding?

Yesterday, July 1st, was such a gloomy day. It was raining all day depressive. It stopped for couple of minutes the sun tried to show up in the sky and all of a sudden the dark clouds occupied the whole space...And rain again,and again....

Feeling tired and exhausted of this weather I decided to bake some bran muffins and to use my new cupcakes decorations. They are exactly for the summer.

Aren't they cute? So colorful,so vibrant...Just close your eyes and imagine that you are on some Hawaiian beach, beautiful colors,turquoise water gently touching your feet, blue sky, relax,simply paradise :)

Besides the colors, let's mention some words about the muffins. As I said in the beginning they are bran and in the mixture I added dried white and dark mulberries, cranberries, almonds. On the top I spread some kamut  and coconut flakes.

Enjoy them and enjoy the summer!