Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cake for St. Nicholas' Day

Today I'll give you a little bit of information concerning the celebration of St. Nicholas. I make the long legend short...
The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas who was born during the third century. His wealthy parents died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still very young. Obeying Jesus' words "sell what you own and give the money to the poor" , he used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the seek and the suffering. Nicholas was known for his generosity, his love for children and his concern for sailors and ships. As a Christian he was persecuted and exiled. Nicholas died December 6th and the anniversary of his death became a day of celebration, St.Nicholas Day.
The historical St. Nicholas is remembered and revered among Orthodox and Catholic Christians. Saint Nicholas is a patron saint of sailors, merchants, pawnbrokers and children. He is honored by a lot of countries in Eastern and Western Europe.
Every year for this day I made a cake for my son Nikola. My cakes were always thematic - fish, sea creatures, water...But this year my son "ordered" something different, something not typical for St. Nicholas' day. A cake with Angry Birds! Probably you can't see any relation with the saint, with the patron of sailors and protector of all in trouble and need. Me neither...But that is the desire of my son for his special day! That's why I can't discourage him from realizing his idea.

Angry Birds' Cake

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