Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homemade desserts


Today I'll present you some of my homemade creations for my loved ones. This cake is a carrot one that I made some weeks ago without any special occasion. I was just starving for something sweet with a little bit of different taste than the traditional. The filling  I created by myself without using any recipes.  Hopefully I found it very successful. The filling was made out of mascarpone cheese cream, some sour cream, whipping cream, tiny pieces of real orange and soaked raisins. I found the combination of carrots, raisins and oranges very attractive.

And now, these are my homemade healthy timbits. They were made out of ground cookies, dates, almonds, a lot of lemon zest and cocoanut oil. On the top of some of them I put cranberries. For me and my husband these timbits are irresistibly delicious treat. We love them!

And now, it's time for my pumpkin spicy muffins which I supposed they would be eaten only by myself.  I was absolutely sure that my kids wouldn't like them at all. Surprisingly, they liked them, even they ate more than one :)
That's is for today... I wish you sunny, warm and sweet winter day!

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